Predicting phenotypes using topology and machine learning
TDA helps to identify phenotypes.
Sayan Mandal
Soham Mukherjee
Determining clinically relevant features in cytometry data using persistent homology
TDA helps to identify structural difference in single-cell cytometry data.
D-GRIL: End-to-End Topological Learning with 2-parameter Persistence
We establish a theoretical foundation of differentiating GRIL producing D-GRIL. We show that D-GRIL can be used to learn a bifiltration function on standard benchmark graph datasets.
Soham Mukherjee
Shreyas N. Samaga
Cheng Xin
Steve Oudot
Tamal K. Dey
GRIL: A 2-parameter Persistence Based Vectorization for Machine Learning
1-parameter persistent homology, a cornerstone in Topological Data Analysis (TDA), studies the evolution of topological features such as connected components and cycles hidden in data. It has been applied to enhance the representation power of deep learning models, such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). To enrich the representations of topological features, here we propose to study 2-parameter persistence modules induced by bi-filtration functions. In order to incorporate these representations into machine learning models, we introduce a novel vector representation called Generalized Rank Invariant Landscape GRIL for 2-parameter persistence modules. We show that this vector representation is 1-Lipschitz stable and differentiable with respect to underlying filtration functions and can be easily integrated into machine learning models to augment encoding topological features. We present an algorithm to compute the vector representation efficiently. We also test our methods on synthetic and benchmark graph datasets, and compare the results with previous vector representations of 1-parameter and 2-parameter persistence modules.
Cheng Xin
Soham Mukherjee
Shreyas N Samaga
Tamal K Dey
Topological Deep Learning: Going Beyond Graph Data
Topological deep learning is a rapidly growing field that pertains to the development of deep learning models for data supported on …
Mustafa Hajij
Ghada Zamzmi
Theodore Papamarkou
Nina Miolane
Aldo Guzmán-Sáenz
Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy
Tolga Birdal
Tamal K. Dey
Soham Mukherjee
Shreyas N. Samaga
Neal Livesay
Robin Walters
Paul Rosen
Michael T. Schaub
A Jacobi-set based loss function for segmentation task
Segmentation of fine-scale structures in natural and bio-medical images are gaining importance with the development of high resolution electron microscopy images. The task still remains challenging as per-pixel accuracy is not only the metric of concern because of the imbalance in the dataset. In this project, a new loss function based on the Jacobi-sets are proposed.
Soham Mukherjee
Graph generation with Geometrical and Topological Constraints
Persistent homology, a tool from computational topology we computed persistent diagrams of graphs and incorporated topological & geometrical constraints while generating graphs.
GEFL: Extended Filtration Learning for Graph Classification
Learning Extended filtration on graphs
Simon Zhang
Soham Mukherjee
Tamal K. Dey
GEFL: Extended Filtration Learning for Graph Classification
Extended persistence is a technique from topological data analysis to obtain global multiscale topological information from a graph. This includes information about connected components and cycles that are captured by the so-called persistence barcodes. We introduce extended persistence into a supervised learning framework for graph classification. Global topological information, in the form of a barcode with four different types of bars and their explicit cycle representatives, is combined into the model by the readout function which is computed by extended persistence. The entire model is end-to-end differentiable
Simon Zhang
Soham Mukherjee
Tamal K. Dey
Denoising with discrete Morse theory
Denoising noisy datasets is a crucial task in this data-driven world. In this paper, we develop a persistence-guided discrete Morse …
Soham Mukherjee